There is no need to understand yourself

In this talk, Bruce Di Marsico discusses that all are inherently happy, and cannot be otherwise.

Being happy is not different than being who you are. Since all are already themselves, all are already happy. Further, all beings are capable of happiness because all beings are perfectly capable of being perfectly themselves.

Whenever you are unhappy, it is only because you believe you are. More specifically, it is only because you believe you could not be perfectly yourself.

If you believe you should be yourself, that you should do what you want, you will be unhappy. You already perfectly are yourself, to believe that you should be yourself is believing that you are not already perfectly yourself, and must “achieve” being yourself.

There is no need to understand yourself. You are perfectly yourself, and knowledge of yourself is, in the end, imperfect, based on a past “you”, and speculative. Enjoying knowing oneself is happy, needing to know oneself is not.

Option Method – There is no need to understand yourself