The Myth of Unhappiness: The Collected Works of Bruce Di Marsico

The Option Method: The Myth of UnhappinessThe Collected Works of Bruce Di Marsico
“I want it to become second nature to you that you will never in your life see unhappiness without knowing that what you’re seeing is a belief in action. Not something inevitable, not something determined by nature, but a choice. No one is unhappy unwillingly.” — Bruce Di Marsico, The Myth of Unhappiness, Vol. 1
The Option Method: The Myth of Unhappiness captures the essence of this groundbreaking self-help tool in the words of its creator, Bruce M. Di Marsico. A powerful tool for happiness, The Option Method is based on the premise that happiness is our natural state and all unhappiness is based on the belief that we have to be unhappy.
Bruce Di Marsico left behind a rich legacy of his voluminous writings and recordings on the nature of happiness and unhappiness, and his blueprint for achieving happiness through The Option Method. Until now, these writings and transcribed audio lectures were available only to those closest to him. Subtitled The Collected Works of Bruce Di Marsico on the Option Method and Attitude, this three-volume set invites the reader on a compassionate but no-nonsense journey. Lovingly compiled by Di Marsico’s widow, Deborah Mendel; with edits and commentary by Aryeh Nielsen, Option Method scholar; foreword by Frank Mosca, author of Joywords; contributions by Wendy Dolber, author of The Guru Next Door: A Teacher’s Legacy). Mosca and Dolber are veteran Option teachers trained by Di Marsico. Purchase these volumes as a set or individually.
An Excerpt from The Option Method: The Myth of Unhappiness
The Most Significant Belief — November 1987 audio lecture
What we’re talking about now is how people get unhappy. There is one belief that is more significant than all: that unhappiness is good. And that’s why we wouldn’t question it, even though everything in you gives you plenty of motivation to question it, you’re suffering and you’re in pain. Why? The example I use is this: You will take bitter medicine if you believe it’s good for you. You’ll swallow the most foul-tasting medicine as long as you have the corresponding belief that it really is good for you. You will put up with the most miserable unhappiness because of some belief about it, about the whole nature of unhappiness, and the whole value of unhappiness. — Bruce Di Marsico
Volume 1 topics
An Overview of the Option Method; Happiness; Unhappiness
Volume 2 topics
Feelings, Beliefs, and Desires; Emotions; What Moves Us; Motivation; Wanting, Doing, and Knowing; Relationships; Believing Yourself; Forms of Unhappiness; Arguments against Happiness
Volume 3 topics
Behavior; Everyday Myths; The Great Myths; Happiness without Reason; Enjoying Your Happiness; Option Mysticism; Practicing The Option Method; Stories and Meditations; A Comprehensive Overview